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Want to let your baby explore the mysteries of the world?

Babies need a strong immune system from the moment they are born. And the essential nutrients in breast milk are key elements to awakening immunity!
The brand-new Biostime HMO SN-2 PLUS​ Formula. Derived from research on breast milk, the formula makes a breakthrough in combining the three essential nutrients in breast milk:

  • Breakthrough SN-2 PLUS optimized. structured lipid​​:​ Resembling the fat structure of breast milk, it promotes the transport of fat and calcium, to help your baby absorb essential nutrients1
  • Specific LPN whey protein: Regulates the level of immunological cytokines to help the development of your baby’s immune system2
  • Human milk oligosaccharide(2’-FL):​ Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and helps remove harmful bacteria3, and builds protective barrier to awaken your baby’s immunity

Includes all three essential nutrients to awaken your baby’s immunity, and enables them to grow more independently!


Breakthrough SN-2 PLUS optimized · structured lipid​ Promotes the transport of essential nutrients, and helps babies absorption​

Biostime HMO SN-2 PLUS​ Formula which combines specific SN-2 PLUS® fat optimization technology and SN-2 and natural milk fat, Simulates the fat structure of breast milk, and clinical verification proves that SN-2 boosts of three major benefits to the human body:

  • Increases the absorption of calcium and fat, and promotes the absorption of essential nutrients1
  • Reduces frequency of your baby’s crying 4
  • Helps keep your baby’s intestines healthy and reduces constipation5

The natural milk fat extracted from cow’s milk fat is more human-friendly and tastes better.


Specific LPN™​ ​ whey protein6 rare active ingredient whose output rate is only 1/80,000, which could help the development of your baby’s immune system

Biostime HMO SN-2 PLUS™​ Formula makes a breakthrough in adding rare LPN™​ whey protein.
Only about kilograms of LPN™​ whey protein active ingredient can be extracted from each 80 tons of milk, and the active ingredients of the protein more closely resemble breast milk7 ,
Help your baby’s immune system develop and mature8,9,10.


HMO Promotes beneficial bacteria and reduces harmful bacteria, and builds the baby’s protective barrier

HMO is found naturally in breast milk and is a versatile carbohydrate 3, one of the essential nutrients of breast milk.

  • Promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria 3: HMO promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, reduces the invasion of harmful bacteria, and supports the operation of a healthy intestinal immune system
  • Reduce adhesion of harmful bacteria3: HMO adheres onto the surface of intestines, to reduce adhesion of pathogens and build protective barriers for intestines

From coastal estate ranches in Normandy Imported from France

Normandy, France is an AOP* milk source protected area certified by EU, and is famous for being a quality milk source.
Biostime HMO SN-2 PLUS™​ Formula selects milk produced by free-range cows raised in traditional ways going back to a hundred years in Normandy ranches. Each cow has an independent number to track its health status. Milk is collected and shipped to the century-old French production base, Isigny, and rigorous quality control is put into practice throughout the whole process, to ensure the high quality milk source from France.

* AOP (Appellation d’origine protegee) = 法國優質產品的獨特認證

1 Baryoseph F, Lifshitz Y, Cohen T, et al. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, 2016, 62(2):341. 2Lönnerdal B, et al. 2016;West C E. et al. 2017. 3 Bode L, 2012. 4 Yoseph F B, Lifshitz Y, Cohen T, et al. Clinics in Mother & Child Health, 2017, 14(2) 5 Yao M, Lien E L, Capeding M R, et al, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 2014, 59(4) 6 LPN®乳清蛋白指WPC Lacprodan OPN。天然富含OPN。OPN是母乳中天然存在的活性成性。 7 Bruun S, Jacobsen L N, Ze X, et al, 2018 8 Jiang R and Lönnerdal B, et al. 2016 9 Lönnerdal B, Kvistgoard A S, Peerson J M, et al. 2016 10 West CE, Kvistgoard A S, Peerson J M, et al. 2017 11 Schack L, Lange A, Kelsen J, et al, 2009.